The Srinivas Aravamudan Prize goes to the author of an article published in the previous year that pushes the boundaries, geographical and conceptual, of eighteenth-century studies, especially by using a transnational, comparative, or cosmopolitan approach. It carries an award of $250.
Due: Jan. 15, 2025
- The article should be no longer than 15,000 words.
- The article must have been published in a journal or any peer-reviewed publication between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024.
- The article may be nominated by a member of the society, by its author, or by an editor of the publishing journal.
- Nominations must be submitted in .pdf format and received no later than January 15, 2025.
- Normally, submissions for the Aravamudan prize are in English. Works written in languages other than English are permitted, but it may not be possible for the prize committee to assess these works. Please contact the Business Office for further information.
- The author must be a member of the ASECS at the time of submission.
Please use this form for submission. Should filling out this form prove a challenge to submission, please contact the Executive Director for an alternative format.
Should the form prove a barrier to submitting an article for consideration, please contact the Executive Director for an alternate means (
- Annibel Jenkins Biography Prize
- George E. Haggerty Prize
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- Graduate Student Conference Paper Prize
- Graduate Student Research Essay Prize
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- James L. Clifford Prize
- Louis Gottschalk Prize
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- Srinivas Aravamudan Prize
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- Women’s Caucus Intersectional Prize