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Louis Gottschalk Prize

November 15, 2024

The Louis Gottschalk Prize recognizes an outstanding historical or critical study on the eighteenth century and carries an award of $1,000. Louis Gottschalk (1899-1975) was the second President of ASECS, a President of the American Historical Association, and for many years Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago; his scholarship exemplified the humanistic ideals that this award is meant to encourage.


  • Scholarly books—including commentaries, critical studies, biographies, collections of essays by a single author, and critical editions—written in any modern language are eligible. Books that are primarily translations or multi-authored collections of essays are not eligible.
  • To be eligible for this year’s competition, a book must have a copyright date between 1 November 2023 and 31 October 2024.
  • The author must be a member of the Society at the time of submission. 

Normally, submissions for the Gottschalk prize are in English. Works written in languages other than English are permitted, but it may not be possible for the prize committee to assess these works. Please contact the Business Office for further information.

In order to make a submission, publishers must follow this process for each volume they intend to submit:

1) Complete a copy of the online submission form. Completing the submission form by the deadline will be considered an on-time submission if the book arrives within a week of the deadline: Louis Gottschalk submission form

If completing the form would provide an obstacle to submission, please contact the Executive Director for an alternate format.

2) Send a copy of each book for consideration to each committee member, as well as one to the ASECS business office, at the addresses listed below before the deadline of Nov. 15, 2024.

  • ASECS Business Office / 2397 NW Kings Blvd. PMB 114 / Corvallis, OR 97330
  • Committee: (Please check back for addresses)
    • Chair, Elaine McGirr
    • Melissa Mowry
    • Amelia Rauser

For questions, please contact the committee chair or ASECS Executive Director Benita Blessing (