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Innovative Course Design Competition

To encourage excellence in undergraduate teaching of the eighteenth century, the Society invites proposals for the ASECS Innovative Course Design Competition, from members in any of its constituent disciplines. The course can be one planned for the future, a new course, or new unit in or major revision of an existing course.

Please submit proposals through the Google form below by November 1, 2024. Should filling out the form pose an obstacle, please contact the Executive Director Benita Blessing ( for an alternate means of submission. Only proposals from current ASECS members are eligible.

Proposals should contain:

  • Course title
  • Intended audience (e.g. upper/lower division, discipline, format, student demographic, etc.)
  • Course overview (approx. 250-500 words) of course intent, readings and other materials, innovation, and impact. If the course has been taught, the essay may offer an assessment of its success.
  • Syllabus
  • Optional: any other relevant materials

The Committee will select the top three proposals and the winners will be notified by December 1, 2024. The winners will give 10-minute presentations on the course in the Innovative Course Design seminar at the Annual Meeting; the syllabus and overview will be published on the ASECS website.

The competition awards $500 to each winner.  Winners will be asked to serve on future Innovative Course Design prize committees.

Did you know? The Innovative Course Design competition is funded by the Shirley Bill Fund, honoring outstanding teachers. Nominate someone today!