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Virtual Platform Instructions 2025

I. Instructions – how to sign in to the platform, join a session, troubleshoot, and more!
  • Opening the room: Hosts will see a “start meeting” button next to the session. They may open the virtual session room (“start meeting”) up to 2 hours before the session begins.
  • Audience members will see a “join meeting” button that is available up to 5 minutes before the session begins.
  • Closed captioning: When you enter the virtual session, you will see a button asking you if you want to turn closed captioning on. There is also a “caption” button at the bottom left of the screen.
  • Participation: Session attendees may click on the “raise hand” at the bottom of their screen to ask a question or make a comment. Hosts will receive an alert on their screen that someone has raised their hand.
  • Breakout rooms: All sessions have access to breakout rooms. Hosts can open them by clicking on “breakout rooms” at the left side of the session screen.
  • Multiple sign-in attempts: You cannot sign in more than once with your registration: If you attempt to sign in with your registration on a second computer, you’ll be automatically logged out of the first computer and sent to the second computer.
II. Recording Policy and Notes – Will your session be recorded?
  • Sessions at the 2025 Annual Meeting, held virtually, will be recorded at the discretion of the session chair. In general, presenters in a session should all consent to being recorded, or else the session will not be recorded.
  • If the session chooses to record it, the Business Office must know in order to permit recording for that session in advance of the meeting.
  • Recordings start once a host clicks the “record” button on the right side of the screen below the image. Hosts may be able to pause or stop the recording, but this function has been uneven. The breakout rooms do not permit recording if you want a private space after recording, and all sessions have access to breakout rooms.
  • If you didn’t request for the session to be recorded, you will not be able to record it. If you requested recording, and your session changes its mind, just email us and we’ll delete it before it is uploaded. That’s easy.
  • Recordings will be processed and available on the conference platform within 1 day, and for 30 days after the final day of the Annual Meeting, to registered members of the conference only.
  • Sharing of recordings outside of the Annual Meeting platform is not permitted. Nonetheless, because of the nature of the technology available for recording sessions, it is not possible to guarantee against violations of this policy. Chairs should have candid discussions with their presenters about the benefits and risks of recording presentations.
  • Recordings will not be edited; recordings made in error may be deleted at the request of the session chair. Recordings will not be downloaded by the Business Office to provide to individuals.
III. Host/moderator roles – Read about hosting!
  • The Annual Meeting Platform Stova uses a native video system that is similar, but not identical to, Zoom, WebEx, Teams, etc.
  • Although the chair will usually serve as main host, session presenters will all have host functions if they have registered at least 48 hours before the weekend of their session (not audience members) unless the chair requests otherwise. This arrangement will ensure that the session starts on time should the chair be delayed, that all presenters can share their screen without sending a slide deck to the chair, etc.
  • Chairs and presenters can enter the session room 2 hours before the session begins; the room will remain open for 30 minutes after the session ends for anyone who wants to continue the discussion, extend the Q&A, etc.
  • Audience members can enter the session 5 minutes before the session begins.
  • In general, chairs are expected to function as video hosts and moderators for their sessions; however, a limited number of graduate student assistants will be made available to chairs who request help. The host’s responsibilities include opening/closing the session, keeping track of questions in the chat, etc.
  • The chair must be registered for the conference to be a host. If the chair is not registered, the platform will not allow the session to have a virtual link. If the chair needs to withdraw from the conference, please contact Executive Director Benita Blessing as soon as possible so that another chair can be found.
  • If you are chairing a session and have not yet requested a Grad Student Assistant, but would like one, please contact the ASECS Executive Director Benita Blessing.

Recommended Chair Scripts


“Please remember that recording or photographing this session, even for private use, is not permitted. Under no circumstances should any recording or screenshots be taken, posted online, or shared.

If the session is recorded: Sessions will be available for viewing to registered attendees on the virtual platform for 30 days following the Annual Meeting.”

Time Reminders:

Please remember to remind your presenters at five and two minutes before the end of their time.

Ending the Session:

“Thank you for your participation in the 2025 ASECS Annual Meeting. Please feel free to carry on your conversation in the 30 minute break.”

III. Tips and Tricks – For mic, camera, audio, and screenshare!

Stop by the Virtual Drop-In Desk well ahead of your session to ensure everything works. We are here to help!

Virtual Drop-In Desk Hours:
Monday (3/31), Tuesdsay (4/1), and Wednesday (4/2): 11:00am-1:00pm EDT
Thursday (4/3): 11:00am-4:30pm EDT
Friday (4/4) and Saturday (4/5): 10:30am-4:30pm EDT

There might be a line, so try these tips and tricks:

Mic not working?

  • Make sure another program isn’t using the mic.
  • Do you have headphones plugged in or a bluetooth mic/headset? Unplug headphones or disable bluetooth and refresh the page.
  • On corporate computer or corporate wifi? Try a hotspot and a non-corporate PC.

Audio not working?

  • Toggle the mute and volume keys.
  • Try playing something on YouTube to see if audio works there. If not, it’s device related.
  • Do you have headphones plugged in or a bluetooth mic/headset? Unplug headphones or disable bluetooth and refresh the page.
  • On corporate computer or corporate wifi? Try a hotspot and a non-corporate PC.
  • If all else fails, reset your PC.

Camera not working?

  • Make sure the little privacy slider isn’t shut! Happens all the time!
  • Try an incognito window on Chrome, or try a different browser.
  • Review permissions in the URL.
  • Make sure the camera app or another program isn’t already using the camera.
  • On a corporate computer or corporate wifi? Try a hotspot and a non-corporate PC.
  • Test the camera app in your computer to ensure the camera works outside the browser! If it doesn’t work in the camera app, check the connection or reset the PC.

Screenshare issues?