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Non-Tenure Track Faculty (NTTF) Fund

The Non-Tenure Track Faculty (NTTF) Fund provides travel assistance to non-tenure track faculty presenting their research at the Annual Meeting. At the 55th Virtual Annual Meeting, March 28-29 and April 4-5, up to 10 NTTF grants will be awarded by lottery that will provide free conference registration.

​In order to be eligible for the NTTF Award, the applicant must be a current member of ASECS who teaches part-time or who teaches full time but not in a tenure-track line. Those paying Graduate Student or Emeriti/ae Faculty Membership Rates are not eligible. In order to apply for the NTTF award, please fill out this form with your contact information and the name of the Annual Meeting session(s) which you will be speaking on by 1 March 2025, 11:59pm: NTTF Travel Fund Application

​If you have any questions, or if completing the form would pose an obstacle to application, please contact the Executive Director Benita Blessing with the subject line “NTTF Travel Fund.”    

For the 2026 NTTF award, awardees will receive conference registration and up to 2 nights at the conference hotel.