Please send information on events of interest to ASECS members to the Executive Director Benita Blessing (
Upcoming Events
Sept 25-26, 2025: Science and Society in the Age of Revolutions (CfP due March 3, 2025)
June 2025: Eighteenth-Century Scottish Studies Society Conference
17–20 June 2025 — University of Stirling: “Scots and the Environment” Call for Papers CfP deadline: 15th November 2024
24-25 June 2025 — “Scots and the Environment” an online complement to the University of Stirling conference. Call for papers CfP deadline: 15th February 2025
May 15-18, 2025: Center for Eighteenth-Century-Studies Workshop, Indiana University
“Eighteenth-Century Afterlives”
CfP due Jan. 21, 2025.
More information: Annual Workshop
March 5, 2025, 11:59pm: deadline, NEH Institute Slavery and Early Modern Philosophy
Slavery and Early Modern Philosophy
June 16 – July 4, 2025
Feb. 6-8, 2025: SEASECS 2025
Information about the conference and the prizes that SEASECS sponsors can be found here.
A number of graduate student travel stipends will be available. Submission details will be updated on our website.
Nov. 25, 2-3pm ET: Office Hours with ASECS President
Join ASECS President Paola Bertucci on Monday, November 25, 2-3pm ET, for informal office hours. Please join if you want to share ideas, suggestions, or concerns – or even just to say hi! Registration is required
Nov. 21, 2024, 4:30-5:30pm ET: Meet the ASECS Treasurer(s)!
Meet ASECS Treasurer Joseph Bartolomeo and incoming Treasurer Michael Lynn! Registration required.
Nov. 7-9, 2024: Atkins Goethe Society Conference
San Antonio, Texas. Information here:
Nov. 1, 2024: Deadline, SCSECS 2025 CfP
Lost and Found in the Long Eighteenth Century
The South-Central Society for Eighteenth Century Studies and the James Smith Noel Collection invite you to present papers and organize conference panels on being lost and found in the long eighteenth century. Whether one is lost at sea or lost in thought, finding one’s bearings can bring about new insights and inspirations. Discovering the answers to the mysteries of existence has led to whole new understandings of the world around and within us — and whole new speculations about the unseen and unknown. We look forward to hearing your guiding perspectives.
Please submit ideas for panels by October 1, 2024. Notification of accepted panels will be November 1, 2024. Paper proposals will be accepted until December 1, 2024. Proposals should be 250-500 words and individual presentations should be 15-20 minutes in length. Please submit proposals to SCSECS in care of
Panel proposals accepted so far include:
Lost (or Found) at Sea: Lessons from Maritime Trade, Leisure, and Exploration in the 18th century. Panel Chair: Susan Spencer, University of Central Oklahoma (Emerita)
Found, Lost, and Found Again: Discovery, Rediscovery, and Recovery in All Aspects of the Long Eighteenth-Century Experience. Panel Chair: Kevin L. Cope, Louisiana State University
Some untitled panel proposals consider travels to, from, and within unfamiliar lands and spaces and travel literature as related to Fanny Burney and Jane Austen. A special panel on eighteenth-century music is being developed in memory of Dr. Gloria Eive, who passed away earlier this year. Paper proposals have included an examination of the effects of losing one’s vanity and, perhaps therefore, one’s sense of self and finding a lost ancestor among a collection of family papers.
The conference will be held February 6-8, 2025 at the Hilton Shreveport Convention Center Hotel, 104 Market Street, Shreveport, LA. Registration will be $149. The conference rate for rooms at the Hilton will be $139 for rooms with 2 queen beds and $149 for rooms with one king bed.
Please note that there will be a tour of the James Smith Noel Collection at Louisiana State University in Shreveport, which is a private collection that contains over 3,000 items produced before 1850. Conference attendees are encouraged to make use of the collection while they are here, perhaps by spending a day or two before or after the conference. We look forward to seeing you.
Oct 31-Nov 1, 2024: ECASECS Conference
Past Events
June 19, 2023 9amPT/noonET: Virtual Info session, ASECS 2024 CfP
Do you have questions about submitting a proposal for the 54th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, April 4-6, 2024, in Toronto? Join the Program Committee in a virtual info session on Monday, June 19, 2023, 9am Pacific Time/noon Eastern Time. Registration required.
March 15-17, 2023 | Wastework, the first international conference devoted to waste in the early modern workshop.
From 15-17 March, historians of art, architecture, science, and the environment will gather at the Hertziana alongside local chefs, activists, and artists. Together, we will consider acts of disposal, displacement, removal, and abeyance – in short, the getting rid of unwanted things — and the consequences these carry for the study of early modern material culture, from stale bread erasers to dyehouse effluents.
Oct. 18-19 (Virtual), Oct. 25-29, 2023 (Indianapolis), National Humanities Conference
The 2023 National Humanities Conference will include virtual programming on October 18 & 19 and an in-person conference in Indianapolis. The NHC is produced by the Federation of State Humanities Councils and the National Humanities Alliance and hosted by Indiana Humanities.
Viernes, 26 de julio de 2024, Coloquios del Hispanismo 2024-25
Estimados socios,
Es un placer invitarles a la tercera sesión de Coloquios del Hispanismo 2024-25. En esta sesión, cuatro socios nos hablarán de sus libros recientes:
Álvaro Vargas Díaz de Toldeo, Cervantes y su entorno portugués (Madrid, Guillermo Escolar Editor, 2024).
Catherine M. Jaffe y Karen Stolley (eds.), The Black Legend of Spain and its Atlantic Empire in the Eighteenth Century. Constructing National Identities (Oxford University Studies in the
Enlightenment/Liverpool University Press, 2024).
Antonella Gallo (traducción y notas), La Rampa / Il piano inclinato de Carmen de
Burgos,‘Colombine’ (Florencia, ‘Le Lettere’, 2024).
Viernes, 26 de julio de 2024
18:00 horas (hora de Madrid)
Para determinar la hora donde se encuentra:
Los Coloquios son gratis y abiertos al público. No es necesario ser socio de la AIH para asistir.
Favor de difundir la información en sus redes sociales.
Madeline Sutherland-Meier is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Coloquios del Hispanismo: Presentación de Libros
Time: Jul 26, 2024 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 453 014 6450