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General Announcements

Need to know before you go!

Thank you for registering for the ASECS 2023 Annual Meeting, March 9 – 11, 2023, in St. Louis, MO at the Hyatt Regency St Louis At the Arch. Please review the following information to make your conference experience as seamless as possible. Health and Safety ASECS understands vaccine and mask mandates have been lifted in many areas. However, as a reminder during registration, you agreed to follow the ASECS Health and Safety Protocols at this year’s conference. You may find up-to-date COVID-19 information for the region here: COVID-19 Data Dashboard Missouri Venue Information Hyatt Regency… Read More »Need to know before you go!

Like ECCO? Find More 18th-Century Archives

Are you looking for ways to enrich eighteenth-century studies with resources that support equitable, diverse, and inclusive research? Gale helps you connect students and faculty to primary sources that share unique insights into women’s rights, racial inequalities, and more. All ASECS members have access to Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO), Gale’s premier archive for advanced study of the eighteenth century, but no one archive can fully cover a hundred years of history and discourse. Find more collections that provide access to rare eighteenth-century content across geographies, media sources, and diverse perspectives. Visit Gale during #ASECS… Read More »Like ECCO? Find More 18th-Century Archives

Conference Registration Open ASECS 2023!

9 December 2022 Dear colleagues, Conference registration for the 53rd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies is open! You can find rates and further information on how to register under the Annual Meeting menu; here is the direct link: Rates and Registration. We have a variety of pre-conference activities on Wednesday, March 8 to get you started: · Art at SLAM! Make sure you sign up for the St. Louis Art Museum’s sponsored events for ASECS members. · Attend the CRT and LGBTQ+ Teach-In for Supporting Marginalized Scholars. · Join the Theater… Read More »Conference Registration Open ASECS 2023!

Louis Gottschalk Prize Information

The Louis Gottschalk Prize recognizes an outstanding historical or critical study on the eighteenth century and carries an award of $1,000. Submissions are due Nov. 15, 2022. Please see more information on the prize page: Louis Gottschalk Prize