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Benita Blessing

La Leyenda Negra de España y su imperio en el siglo XVIII

IBERO-AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY STUDIES invita al 1o Coloquio Virtual IASECS La Leyenda Negra de España y su imperio en el siglo XVIII, presentada par Karen Stolley y Cathy Jaffe con la colaboración de Antonio Calvo Maturana (Universidad de Málaga) y otros autores del volumen de próxima aparición. el miércoles, 8 de noviembre, 20238 pm Spain, 2 pm Eastern, 1 pm Central, 12 pm Mountain, 11 am Pacific When: Nov 8, 2023 02:00 PM Eastern Time(US and Canada)Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive aconfirmation email containing informationabout joining the… Read More »La Leyenda Negra de España y su imperio en el siglo XVIII

President’s Email to ASECS Members

The following email went out to current and last year’s member on Aug. 23, 2023. Dear Colleagues, I hope this message finds you well and that amid the research, teaching, and other regular work you may have taken on this summer, you also had some time for some rest and relaxation. As we take the turn into a new academic year, I wanted to reach out to you, by way of a commitment to regular and transparent communications, to let you know what you can expect from ASECS in the year ahead. Before doing so,… Read More »President’s Email to ASECS Members

Annual Meeting & Board Nomination Updates

The following email was sent to this year’s and last year’s members on Aug. 4, 2023. Dear ASECS members and supporters, Happy August! Our Annual Meeting Program Committee and the Nominating Committee have been busy this summer, and would like to share the following updates with you. The ASECS membership year runs July 1-June 30. Welcome to all new members! And if you need to renew your membership, you can do so here: ASECS Membership As always, drop me a line if you have questions, comments, or just want to chat! Benita Benita Blessing, PhD

CfP JASNA/Ohio North Coast Region, due Nov. 30, 2023

The JASNA Ohio North Coast Region invites submission of proposals for breakout sessions at the 2024 AGM, Oct. 18-20, 2024, Cleveland, OH, and applications for the New Voices Breakout Speaker grant. The AGM theme is “Austen, Annotated: Jane Austen’s Literary, Political, and Cultural Origins.” Deadline November 30, 2023. More information here.

CAA CfP due Aug 31, 2023

Looking to present at the 112th CAA Annual Conference, February 14—17, 2024? The Call is open!  CAA is excited to announce that the Call for Participation (CFP) in accepted Sessions Soliciting Contributors  is now open. Take some time to peruse the selection of session abstracts and submit your presentation before August 31st, 2023. For the 2024 Annual Conference’s Call for Participation, you can use a streamlined process to submit your abstract and other required materials directly to session chairs via our portal. The portal can be accessed here. You may also view a video tutorial covering the process.  Submit to a session and be part of… Read More »CAA CfP due Aug 31, 2023

CfP Round 2 submissions due!

This email went out to ASECS members. July 17, 2023 Dear ASECS members and friends, Today’s the day! Round 2 submissions for chaired sessions for our 54th Annual Meeting (April 4-6, 2024, in Toronto) are due Monday, July 17, 2023 11:59pm ET. It’s easy to submit a session. You can find more information, including the submission form, here: Annual Meeting CfP. The Program Committee will review sessions and we’ll send out acceptances soon thereafter. Next up:  Round 3, Aug. 1- Sept. 15: Open call for individual abstracts to chairs’ sessions  Round 4, Oct. 1-15: Open call for individual papers to… Read More »CfP Round 2 submissions due!

Updates, conference + awards

Members received this email on July 12, 2023. Dear ASECS members and friends, It was a delight seeing so many of you in Rome at the ISECS Annual Meeting! Here are a couple related reminders about our conference, and getting your conference papers from podium to publication: ASECS is on Facebook, Twitter, and now Instagram and Threads! Follow us so we can follow you! (Tip: You can follow Thread posts on your desktop at Questions? Comments? Just want to chat? Drop me a line. Benita Blessing, PhDExecutive 

Deadline July 15, 2023, Round 2 #ASECS2024

Round 2 is the submission of sessions by chairs. (Round 3 will be for applying to those sessions, and Round 4 will be for individual abstracts that we’ll try and find panels or roundtables for! More in on the Annual Meeting page, and check out this info video, too!