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Benita Blessing

Treasurer Search

The American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies is searching for a Treasurer to begin a three-year term on 1 July 2025. The Treasurer is an Appointed Officer & Member of the Executive Board. Deadline: April 30, 2024. More info here!

SECC Editor Search

The American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies announces the search for the Editor-in-Chief of its journal for emerging research: Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture. Deadline for applications: April 30, 2024. More info here!

Janet Hammond Wins A.C. Elias Travel Fellowship

The American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) has awarded the A.C. Elias Irish American Research Travel Fellowship for 2024 to Janet Hammond. The fellowship will assist Ms. Hammond with research on her Ph.D. dissertation at George Mason University in Virginia.

President’s Letter and News Circular

The following email went out to current and last year’s members. Dec. 20, 2023 Dear Colleagues, I hope this message finds you all well as we enter into the holiday season and hopefully a season of rest and refreshment for many of you. At this link, you will find the ASECS Fall News Circular, which includes the President’s and Executive Director’s columns, information about the Executive Board election slate, Annual Meeting information, as well as a variety of useful and important information for members and affiliates.  Included in the News Circular, you will also find two In… Read More »President’s Letter and News Circular

Happy Giving Tuesday!

Thanks to the support of members like you, ASECS has continued to deepen our commitment to nurturing and expanding scholarship and teaching across the disciplines in the long eighteenth century.  Perhaps you have found inspiration for a syllabus from the bibliography section of the “Teaching and Bibliographical Resources” webpage, or used one of the “toolkits” there to advocate for the humanities on your campus. Or perhaps you’ve made use of Eighteenth-Century Collections Online (ECCO): Your generous donations have secured perpetual access to this important database outright, making it available to all ASECS members based in North America.  This… Read More »Happy Giving Tuesday!

Extended deadline! Louis Gottschalk Book Prize due Dec. 15, 2023

The deadline for submissions to the Louis Gottschalk Prize has been extended to Dec. 15, 2023. Submission information here: Louis Gottschalk Prize The Louis Gottschalk Prize recognizes an outstanding historical or critical study on the eighteenth century and carries an award of $1,000. Louis Gottschalk (1899-1975) was the second President of ASECS, a President of the American Historical Association, and for many years Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago; his scholarship exemplified the humanistic ideals that this award is meant to encourage.

Message from ASECS President

The following email was sent to current and last year’s members on Nov. 2, 2023. Nov. 2, 2023 Dear Colleagues, I hope this message finds you well. We are now deep into fall, with winter, at least in Chicago, not far behind. The ASECS Executive Board has been meeting regularly and plans are well underway for our 54th Annual Meeting, which will be held in Toronto, April 4-6, 2024. I look forward to seeing many of you there. Among the features of the conference will be a session devoted to previewing aspects of the revised ASECS Constitution… Read More »Message from ASECS President