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Race and Empire Caucus – Graduate Student Paper Prize – Deadline – 1 July 2023

The Race and Empire Caucus invites submissions for the 2023 ASECS Race and Empire Caucus Graduate Student Essay Prize. The Caucus welcomes essays that are revised versions of papers read at the regional and national conferences of ASECS and its affiliates (including the Society of Early Americanists, Early Caribbean Society, SHARP, NABMSA, etc.) between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023. The prize-winning essay will be considered for publication in the 2023-2024 volume of Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture, and the prize will be awarded at the 2024 ASECS meeting. The competition is open to papers on… Read More »Race and Empire Caucus – Graduate Student Paper Prize – Deadline – 1 July 2023

CfP: Performing Theatricality & Imaging Religious Ceremonies in Early Modern Western Europe

May 15-17, 2024 (Ghent University) Ghent University’s research groups, Studies in Performing Arts and Media (S:PAM) and Thaliakindly invite scholars from a wide variety of research areas that may include (but are not limitedto) the following: religious studies, theology, cultural studies, literature, performance studies,history, art history, history of the book, history of science, anthropology, ethnography, or any other relevant field. Contributions should be in the format of approximately 25-minutepresentations. Proposals might consider, but are not limited to: To submit a proposal, send an abstract (250 words) and a brief biography to drs. Steff Nellis.All enquiries… Read More »CfP: Performing Theatricality & Imaging Religious Ceremonies in Early Modern Western Europe

ALCS-HBCU Faculty Fellowships/Grants Info Session

The American Council of Learned Societies invites applications for the HBCU Faculty Fellowship and Grant Program. HBCUs are a vital component of the higher education ecosystem with a distinguished record of teaching and research contributions to the academic humanities and interpretive social sciences. The first informational sessions will be held June 14, 2023. More information here; ACLS-HBCU Faculty Fellowships/Grants

CfP ASECS 2024 Tkaronto/Toronto!

The American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) is pleased to announce our Call for Papers for our 54th Annual Meeting, to be held April 4-6, 2024 at the Sheraton Centre in Toronto. The Society, established in 1969, is the foremost learned society in the United States for the study of all aspects of the period from the later seventeenth through the early nineteenth century.  Round 1, Guaranteed Affiliate/Regional Society and Caucus Sessions has closed. If you do not see your session, please contact the Executive Director Benita Blessing ( Round 2, June 1-July 15: Open call for session… Read More »CfP ASECS 2024 Tkaronto/Toronto!

Teaching the 18th-Century

Help update the ASECS Teaching the 18th Century resource page! You can send syllabuses and other pedagogical resources to the ASECS Business Office (

Confrontando barreras de género en el siglo XIX español: literatas, filántropas, solteronas

El miércoles 31 de mayo, tendrá lugar el segundo Coloquio del Hispanismo: “Confrontando barreras de género en el siglo XIX español: literatas, filántropas, solteronas”. Intervendrán nuestras colegas Catherine Jaffe (Texas State University), Gabrielle Miller (Baylor University) y Ana Rueda (University of Kentucky). El coloquio empieza a las 20 horas (horario de Europa Central). Pueden acceder a él mediante el siguiente enlace: Join Zoom Meeting ID: 825 3317 1684Passcode: 421831 

Elections Results

Thank you to everyone who voted! The results are: ·      President: Lisa A. Freeman (2023-2024) ·      First Vice President: Paola Bertucci (2023-2024) ·      Second Vice President: Misty Anderson (2023-2024) ·      At Large Seat 1: Barbara Abrams (2023-2026) ·      At Large Seat 2: Karen Stolley (2023-2026) Please see the Elections page for more information.

ASECS 2023 Election Reminder

ASECS 2023 Election Reminder: The deadline to vote for Executive Board members is Tuesday, May 23, 11:59pm ET. Thank you so much to everyone who has already voted! If you haven’t yet voted, you can find information about the elections, including candidate statements and the voting link, on our (new!) website: ASECS Election Information.