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Updates, conference + awards

Members received this email on July 12, 2023.

Dear ASECS members and friends,

It was a delight seeing so many of you in Rome at the ISECS Annual Meeting!

Here are a couple related reminders about our conference, and getting your conference papers from podium to publication:

  1. ASECS’s 54th Annual Meeting, April 4-6, 2024, Toronto: The deadline for chairs to submit a session (Round 2) is Monday, July 17, 2023. Round 3 (when you can submit abstracts to those sessions) will start August 1, 2023. Submitting a session proposal is easy! More info here.
  2. We have 2 peer-reviewed journals! If you presented a paper at ISECS (or any other public venue in the past 2 years!) and are a member of ASECS (or a learned society affiliated with ASECS or ISECS), then our journal Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture (SECC) would love to see a revised version.
  3. Are you working on eighteenth-century coasts? Our Eighteenth-Century Studies (ECS) journal has a call for a special issue on that topic.
  4. Are you a graduate student (or do you know one?) who presented a paper at a recent conference? There are 3 prizes to know about:
    a. The Race and Empire Caucus Graduate Student Essay Prize has an extended deadline of July 21, 2023.
    b. The new Theatre and Performance Studies Graduate Student Essay Prize is due August 15, 2023.
    c. The Hans Turley Prize in Queer Eighteenth-Century Studies will be awarded annually, with a due date of Oct. 1, 2023Graduate students, independent scholars, and untenured faculty are eligible to apply.

ASECS is on FacebookTwitter, and now Instagram and Threads! Follow us so we can follow you! (Tip: You can follow Thread posts on your desktop at

Questions? Comments? Just want to chat? Drop me a line.

Benita Blessing, PhD
Executive Director