Affiliates and Regional Societies Information
General Information
The Constitution of ASECS states that “Applications for affiliation to the Society by local, regional, and other scholarly organizations may be accepted by the Executive Board when, ascertaining that the nature and activity of the organization reflect the purposes of the Society, it deems such affiliation appropriate. The affiliation shall continue until the Executive Board accedes to the request of an affiliated society to dissolve the affiliation, or so long as the nature and activity of the affiliated organization reflect the purposes of the Society.”
There are presently 36 Affiliate Societies.
Benefits of Affiliation
ASECS Annual Meeting
Societies affiliated with ASECS are guaranteed one sponsored session at the ASECS Annual Meeting. The topic of the session is usually approved automatically, but revision might be required—for example, if another affiliate or caucus proposes a similar topic.
ASECS members who are also members of Affiliate Societies may submit session proposals, separate from the guaranteed session proposal, for consideration in the general pool. If those proposals are accepted, the session may be listed as sponsored by the Affiliate Society.
Affiliate Societies may request space in which to hold general membership meetings during the ASECS Annual Meeting, normally on Friday evenings. These meetings can be listed in the Annual Meeting program.
Publication in Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture
Papers presented at meetings of ASECS Affiliate Societies may be submitted for publication in the ASECS Annual Journal Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture.
Applying for Affiliation
In 2015, the ASECS Executive Board voted to suspend approving Affiliate Society applications unless vacancies arise due to affiliates withdrawing their membership or ceasing to exist. Societies interested in affiliation may still apply but should be aware of this policy.
If a society decides to apply for affiliate status, the application must explain the value the affiliate could add to ASECS. Would the sessions it sponsored at the Annual Meeting bring a new element to ASECS programming? Would members of the Affiliate Society be more likely to join ASECS, attend our Annual Meeting, or submit to our journals, if the society were affiliated?
The application process itself simply requires a formal letter, addressed to the Executive Director, that describes the goals, history, and scope of the society and explains how its interests support or complement the goals of ASECS. The letter should describe how (if at all) the society or its members already participate in ASECS. The application also requires a copy of the organization’s constitution and bylaws and a list of its officers.
Listed below are links to the webpages for the Regional and Affiliate Societies of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, and information about: officers/contacts; publications; awards; and dues.
This page, like the schedule of Affiliate Societies conference dates, is updated as needed. Please help keep information current by completing the form at the bottom of the page, or by emailing the Executive Director Benita Blessing (, who coordinates Affiliate Society business.
*= designated contact
American Antiquarian Society
President: Scott E. Casper (
*Vice President: Nan Wolverton (
Commonplace: The Journal of Early American Life
Almanac (biannual newsletter)
Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society (1880-2008)
Membership dues: n/a
President: Caroline Duroselle-Melish (
Secretary: John T. McQuillen (
ASECS Liaison: Benjamin Pauley (
The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America (PBSA)
BSA monograph series
William L. Mitchell Prize
Justin G. Schiller Prize
St. Louis Mercantile Library Prize
Membership dues:
$80 for Partner membership
$125 for Sustaining membership
$250 for Leadership membership
$500 for Advancing membership
$50 for residents of Latin America
Discounted $25 annual rate under 35 years old for emerging bibliographers
President: Catherine Keohane (
ASECS Liaison: Hilary Havens (
Director of the Burney Center: Peter Sabor (
Research Coordinator: Nathan Richards-Velinou (
The Burney Journal
The Burney Letter (Newsletter)
The Hemlow Prize in Burney Studies
McGill-ASECS Fellowship
Membership dues:
Regular membership – 1 year: $30
Student / adjunct membership – 1 year: $15
Regular membership – 2 years: $60
Regular membership – 5 years: $150
President: Peter Sabor (
Secretary: Trudie Messent (
The Burney Society UK Newsletter
The Burney Journal
The Burney Letter (Newsletter)
Membership dues:
£20 for individuals
£25 for couples living at the same address
£10 for students
£15 subscription rate for five years post graduation
President: President Joël Castonguay-Bélanger (
Secretary: Noël Chevalier (
*ASECS Delegate: Sara Landreth (
Tom Keymer CSECS Award
D.W. Smith Fellowship
Mark-Madoff Prize
Lumen Essay Prize
Membership dues:
Professor or Associate Professor: CAD $100
Assistant Professor or Retiree: CAD $50
Student / not in full-time, full-year employment: FREE
President: Katherine Ellison (
Director: Leah Orr (
Liaison Officer: Rivka Swenson (
Digital Defoe: A Peer-Reviewed Journal
J. Paul Hunter Prize
Maximillian E. Novak Essay Prize
Sharon Alker, Katherine Ellison, and Holly Nelson Prize
Paula R. Backscheider Student Bursary
John Richetti Student Bursary
Membership dues:
Regular Member (2 years): $50.00 USD
Graduate Member (2 years): $20.00 USD
President: Kerry Sinanan (
Vice President: Désha Osborne (
Caribbeana: The Journal of the Early Caribbean Society
Membership dues:
Faculty: $30
Graduate Students: $10
Independent Scholar: $10
Staff at Historic Site, Museum, or Library: $20
President: Jane Wessel
Executive Secretary: Kevin Cope (
Eighteenth-Century Intelligencer (Newsletter)
Peterson Award
Molin Award
Membership dues:
Individual Membership $25.00 USD
Graduate Students $15.00 USD
Couples Membership $40.00 USD
Lifetime Membership $250.00 USD
President: Michael Brown (
Secretary: Moira Hansen (
Studies in Eighteenth-Century Scotland
Eighteenth-Century Scotland (Newsletter)
ECSSS Lifetime Achievement Award
Daiches-Manning Memorial Fellowship
Membership dues:
Individuals: $35
Retired individuals: $18
Institutions: $60
Supporting ECSSS (one year): $60
Supporting ECSSS (five years): $240
President: Stéphanie Genand (
Secretary: Blandine Poirier (
Cahiers staëliens
Membership dues:
Étudiant: 15 €
Chercheur: 35 €
Enthousiaste: 50 €
President: Heather Sullivan (
Secretary: Claire Baldwin (
New Studies in the Age of Goethe (Book Series)
Goethe Yearbook
Goethe News and Notes (Newsletter)
GSNA Essay Prize
Richard Sussman Essay Prize
Gloria Flaherty Scholarship
Membership dues:
Junior Member (Non-Tenured Faculty / Independent Scholar): $25
Senior Member (Tenured Faculty): $35
Student: $10
Emeritus: $10
Institution: $40
Patron: $100
Lifetime: $500
Lifetime Patron: $1500
President: Amy Freund (
Secretary: Yve Chavez (
Dora Wiebenson Prize
Mary Vidal Memorial Award
Mary D. Sheriff Travel and Research Award
Membership dues:
Regular membership: $30
Discounted student rate: $10
President: Mehl Penrose, University of Maryland (
Secretary: Elizabeth Lewis, University of Mary Washington (
Pilar Sáenz Annual Student Essay Prize
María Salgado Student Travel Grant
Membership dues: $21
President: Maria Pia Paganelli (
Secretary: Michelle Schwarze (
The Adam Smith Review
Bursary Fund
Early Career Fund
Membership dues: $25
President: Martin Keßler (
Secretary: Johannes Schmidt (
Herder Jahrbuch / Herder Yearbook
Herder-Medaille der Internationalen Herder-Gesellschaft
Membership dues:
Regular: $50
Students, emeriti and independent scholars: $25
President: Carl Niekerk (
Secretary: Mary Helen Dupree (
Lessing Yearbook/Jahrbuch
Notes & Notices (Newsletter)
Membership dues:
Student: $25
Active membership, including libraries: $35
Sustaining Membership: $75
President: David Alvarez (
Secretary: Jeanne Hageman (
MWASECS Newsletter
Membership dues:
Individual membership: $5
Joint membership: $7
Retired/emeritus individuals: Free
President: Bruce Alan Brown (
Secretary: Edmund Goehring (
Newsletter of the Mozart Society of America
Marjorie Weston Emerson Award
Membership dues:
Regular or Institutional Member: $50
Student (full-time) or Emeritus: $30
President: Christina Bashford (
Secretary: Deborah Heckert (
Studies in British Musical Cultures
NABMSA Reviews
Byron Adams Student Travel Grant
Diana McVeagh Prize
Linda Shaver-Gleason Awards
Ruth Solie Prize
Nicholas Temperley Student Paper Prize
President: Daniel Sutherland (
NAKS Newsletter
Markus Herz Student Essay Prize
Wilfrid Sellars Junior Scholar Essay Prize
NAKS Senior Scholar Prize
President: Andrew Clark (
Secretary: Melissa Bissonette (
Edna Steeves Prize
John O’Neill Bursaries
President: Brigitte Weltman-Aron (
Secretary: Jason Neidleman (
Rousseau Bulletin (Newsletter)
Membership dues:
Senior faculty: $40
Other faculty/non-faculty: $20
Student/retired: $10
Contact: Emily Friedman,
*Secretary: Stephen Karian (
News Letter
Membership dues: $3
Secretary: Timothy Erwin (
Membership dues: $50
President: Ralph Bauer (
Executive Coordinator: Kelly Wisecup (
Early American Literature
SEA Newsletter
Sarah Schuetze Essay Contest
Membership dues:
2-year Regular SEA Membership Digital: $140
2-year Regular SEA Membership Digital & Print: $180
2-year Discount SEA Membership Digital: $70
2-year Discount SEA Membership Digital & Print: $110
2-year Supporting Membership Digital: $210
2-year Supporting Membership Digital & Print: $250
President: Drew Edward Davies (
*Vice President: Alison C. DeSimone (
Secretary: Evan Cortens (
SECM Newsletter
Sterling E. Murray Award for Student Travel
Student Paper Prize
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Award
Membership dues:
Regular rate: $40
Reduced rate (student/retired/emeritus/income < $30,000): $20
Institutional rate: $45
Lifetime rate: $500
President: Shef Rogers (
Secretary: Vincent Trott (
Book History
Lingua Franca
SHARP News (Newsletter)
SHARP 25th Anniversary Fellowship
Research Development Grants for BIPOC scholars
Greenspan–Rose Book History Essay Prize
SHARP Book History Book Prize
Award for Distinguished Achievement
Lightning Grants
Membership dues:
Full Membership: $62
Sustaining Membership: $125
Patron Membership: $225
Student/Independent scholar/Retiree Membership: $38
Non-OECD Country Membership: $38
Joint Membership (additional cost for 2nd membership): $23
Student/Independent Scholar/Retiree (Membership Only): $22
Non-OECD Country (Membership Only): $22
President: John Scanlan (
Secretary: Kathryn Duncan (
SCSECS Newsletter
SCSECS Presidential Prize
Noel Foundation Fellowships
Membership dues: $15
President: Anne M. Thell (
Treasurer: Wing Sze Leung (
Membership dues: Free
*President: Patty Hamilton (
Secretary: Lacy Marshalk (
XVIII, New Perspectives on the Eighteenth Century
SEASECS Gazette (Newsletter)
Annibel Jenkins Prize in Performance & Theater Studies
Percy G. Adams Prize
Martha F. Bowden Teaching Prize
Graduate Student Essay Prize
Graduate Student Travel Grants
Membership dues:
Regular: $30
Student: $10
President: Nicholas Cronk (Dir.) (
Finance Administrator: Birgit Mikus (
Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment (Book Series)
Electronic Enlightenment
Digital Enlightenment Studies
Membership dues: n/a (not a member organization)
President: Rachael Scarborough King (
Secretary: Sören Hammerschmidt (
Treasurer: Regulus L. Allen (
Helene W. Koon Memorial Award
Membership dues: Membership included in conference registration rate
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