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Donor Roll

Detail, Ka’ba Tile. Osman Ibn Mehmed, 1720-1730. Stonepaste; polychrome painted under transparent glaze, 35 x 26.1 cm. Metropolitan Museum of Art

We appreciate our donors.

Generous donations and sponsorships from individuals and partner institutions help support the mission of ASECS to promote the study of the long eighteenth century. ASECS is a 501(c)3 organization and all contributions are tax deductible to the extent of the law.

Donations below represent contributions from Jan. 1, 2024-Dec. 31, 2024. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of these records, please contact Executive Director Benita Blessing ( if you believe an error has been made, or if you would like your name removed from this list.

Barbara Abrams

David Alff

Nicole Aljoe

Beate Allert

Misty Anderson

Paula Backscheider

Natalya Baldyga

Victoria Barnett-Woods

Joseph Bartolomeo

Adam Beach

John Bender

Ashley Bender

Leah Benedict

Sarah Benharrech

Lisa Berglund

Paola Bertucci

Benita Blessing

Jeffrey Binder

Katherine Binhammer

Jan Blaschak

Benita Blessing

Rori Bloom

Elizabeth Bobo

Margaret Bonds

Thomas Bonnell

Mark Boonshoft

Nicole Bouche

George Boulukos

Terence Bowers

Toni Bowers

Daniel Brewer

Fiona Brideoake

Michael Brown

Madelaine Burkert

Samara Cahill

Susan L Carlile

Marta Chico

Mita Choudhury

Alison Conway

Anne Cotterill

Rebecca Crisafulli

Ian Crowe

Leith Davis

Willow Dawn

Ruth Dawson

JoEllen DeLucia

Helen Deutsch

Bakary Diaby

Theresa Doerksen

Clorinda Donato

Christopher Douglas

Susan Egenolf

Katherine Ellison

Daniel Timothy Erwin

Lawrence Evalyn

Jason Farr

Julia Fawcett

Catherine Fleming

Marilyn Francus

Paul Freedman

Lisa Freeman

Emily Friedman

Yvonne Fuentes

Rebecca Gates-Coon

Leigh George

Jennifer Germann

Rachel Gevlin

Paul Gilliam

Kristin Girten

Brian Glover

Caroline Gonda

Kevis Goodman

Philip Gould

Miles Grier

Karen Griscom

Anita Guerrini

Rebecca Haidt

Patricia Hamilton

Craig Hanson

Jared Hardesty

Hilary Havens

Julie Hayes

Heather Heckman-McKenna

Courtney Herber

Stephanie Hershinow

Philip Hicks

Miranda Hoegberg

John Holberg

Paul Holmquist

Hannah Hudson

Aleksondra Hultquist

Angela Hunter

Catherine Ingrassia

John Iverson

Thomas Jemielity

David Jonescue

Nicolle Jordan

David Karr

Bridget Keegan

Paul Kelleher

Deborah Kennedy

Sean Killackey

Ula Klein

Misty Krueger

Emily Kugler

Ewa Lajer-Burcharth

Susan Lanser

Miriam Latane

Travis Lau

Ellen Ledoux

Kathleen Leicht

Arlene Leis

Elizabeth Lewis

Kathleen Lubey

Michael Lynn

Nancy Mace

Sandra Macpherson

Roger Maioli

Jean Marsden

David Mazella

Reginald McGinnis

Heather McPherson

Elizabeth Mell

Polly Morris

Melissa Mowry

Maureen Mulvihill

Christopher Nagle

Mona Narain

Taylin Nelson

Kate Newey

Martha Norton

Scott Nowka

Felicity Nussbaum

Daniel O’Quinn

Jennifer Olmsted

David O’Shaughnessy

Kate Ozment

Lissa Paul

Robert Paulett

Mehl Penrose

Mallory Porch

Elizabeth Porter

Adam Potkay

Manushag Powell

Katherine Quinsey

Clifford Earl Ramsey

Leslie Ritchie

Meghan Roberts

Lisa Ann Robertson

Philippe Robichaud

Audrey Rodriguez

Daniel Rosenberg

Laura Rosenthal

Christine Roulston

Wendy Wassyng Roworth

Tracy Rutler

Alix Saba

Olivia Sabee

Betty Schellenberg

Michael Schinasi

Wolfram Schmidgen

Ann Schmiesing

Thomas Shaffer

Sar Shahar

Rebecca Shapiro

Jessica Sheetz-Nguyen

Alexander Sherman

Stuart Sherman

Juliet Shields

Asheesh Siddique

Monica Soare

Diana Solomon

Danielle Spratt

Amanda Springs

Thomas Stockinger

Karen Stolley

Kristina Straub

Madeline Sutherland-Meier

Srividhya Swaminathan

Kelly Swartz

James Swenson

Emily Thames

Leah Thomas

Randolph Trumbach

Margaret Ulbrick

Lisa Vandenbossche

Jennifer Vanderheyden

Morgan Vanek

Elizabeth Veisz

Crystal Veronie

Natalia Vesselova

Miriam Wallace

Adrienne Ward

Jeremy Webster

Haines-Rutler Wedding

Anne Betty Weinshenker

Jane Wessel

Emily West

Ryan Wheeler

Willow White

Jarred Wiehe

Rebecca Wilkin

Reva Wolf

Aurora Wolfgang

Linda Zionkowski

Abigail Zitin

Heather Zuber

“I am thrilled to thank the ASECS funding and award bodies who made it possible for me to receive a Traveling Jam Pot award to assist with the costs of attending the 2023 ASECS conference in St. Louis, MI. Because of the generosity of those who donate to this award, I was able to put $300 toward flight costs and receive free conference registration; both which made it possible for me to attend the conference (truly, as a grad student, I remember not being able to afford dinner my first night there as I waited for my paycheck to deposit!!), chair my first ever panel “Digitally Mapping the Eighteenth Century,” present a paper on Dr. Anita Guerrini’s “Tangling with Natural History” panel, and developed a working relationship with Dr. Benita Blessing, who helped me see how I could get involved with ASECS. As the current Graduate and Early Career Caucus Chair, I think my ability to have attended this ASECS is what brought me to the GECC and got me involved.” 
Taylin Nelson, Rice University