Coalitions and Disciplinary Society Affiliations
The American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies belongs to interdisciplinary coalitions and is an affiliate of disciplinary societies that provide access to networks, leadership, and resources that support the Society’s mission. Connecting to and collaborating with other humanities-centered organizations strengthens the Society’s ability to support the needs and interests of its members.
See below for a list of the coalitions and societies of which ASECS is a member.
American Council of Learned Societies
ACLS Delegate: Elizabeth Kraft, University of Georgia
The American Council of Learned Societies is a private non-profit federation of sixty-six national scholarly organizations. The mission of the ACLS, as set forth in its Constitution, is “the advancement of humanistic studies in all fields of learning in the humanities and the social sciences and the maintenance and strengthening of relations among the national societies devoted to such studies.”
American Historical Association
Founded in 1884 for the promotion of historical studies, the AHA is the largest organization of professional historians in the world with more than 12,000 members who represent every historical period and geographical area. According to its website, AHA “provides leadership for the discipline, protects academic freedom, develops professional standards, aids in the pursuit and publication of scholarship, generates innovative teaching, and supplies various services to sustain and enhance the work of its members. …The AHA is a trusted voice for history education, the professional work of historians, and the critical role of historical thinking in public life.”
ASECS sponsors a session at the AHA’s Annual Meeting.
According to its mission statement, CAA, formerly the College Art Association, “is the preeminent international leadership organization in the visual arts, promotes these arts and their understanding through advocacy, intellectual engagement, and a commitment to the diversity of practices and practitioners.”
ASECS sponsors a session at the CAA’s Annual Meeting in conjunction with the Historians of Eighteenth-Century Art and Architecture (HECCA).
Modern Language Association
The Modern Language Association promotes the study and teaching of languages and literatures. It “aims to advance the many areas of the humanities in which its members currently work, including literature, language, writing studies, screen arts, digital humanities, pedagogy, and library studies. The MLA facilitates scholarly inquiry in and across periods, geographic sites, genres, languages, and disciplines in higher education that focus on communication, aesthetic production and reception, translation, and interpretation.”
ASECS sponsors a session at the MLA’s Annual Meeting.
National Humanities Alliance
NHA works with members and humanities advocates around the country to bolster undergraduate humanities enrollments, promote public engagement with the humanities, and increase funding for the humanities.
International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
ISECS Delegate: Chunjie Zhang, University of California Davis.
The mission of the International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies is to promote the growth, development and coordination of studies and research relating to the eighteenth century in all aspects of its cultural heritage (historical, philosophical, ideological, religious, linguistic, literary, scientific, artistic, juridical) in all countries, without exception. Membership in an ISECS-affiliated society counts as ASECS membership for the purpose of attending an ASECS Annual Meeting.