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General Announcements

La culture visuelle de la gastronomie, XVIe-XX3 siècles, CfP

Appel à communication / Call For Papers La culture visuelle de la gastronomie, XVIe-XXe siècles / Visual Culture of Gastronomy, 16th-20th century Paris, galerie Colbert, 18-19 décembre 2025Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne / OCAD University, Toronto) / Bibliothèque des Arts DécoratifsFrédérique Desbuissons (université de Reims) & Ryan Whyte (OCAD University, Toronto)

Peter Sabor Fellowship

Fundraising: The Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies and the Burney Society of North America have partnered to establish a new fellowship named after distinguished scholar, Burney editor, long-time member, and past President of CSECS, Peter Sabor.  The funds raised through this campaign will be used to establish a biennial research fellowship designed to promote editing projects focused on the eighteenth century.  As Canada Research Chair and Director of the Burney Centre at McGill University (2003–24), Peter Sabor has published an impressive body of work, primarily scholarly editions of the writings and correspondence of notable authors,… Read More »Peter Sabor Fellowship

AHA affiliate society proposals

The deadline for AHA affiliates to submit proposals for joint sessions to the AHA Program Committee is February 15. If accepted, sessions will be listed as joint with the AHA. The AHA will cover all costs for joint sessions. Historians from the United States on sessions accepted by the AHA Program Committee are required to be AHA members. As usual, affiliates will have the opportunity to submit additional sessions by May 31. Questions? See our affiliate annual meeting page or email If you’re interested in submitting an AHA proposal via the ASECS affiliate society process, please contact Executive Director Benita… Read More »AHA affiliate society proposals

2025 Annual Meeting Schedule

Access the preliminary schedule here; please send any requests for corrections to Executive Director Benita Blessing ( A PDF of the schedule will be available in February.

Virtual Platform Access

Recording Policy Sessions at the 2025 Annual Meeting, held virtually, will be recorded at the discretion of the session chair. In general, presenters in a session should all consent to being recorded, or else the session will not be recorded. Stopping and starting a recording based on individual member needs increases the risk of mistaken recordings. Recordings will be available for 30 days after the final day of the Annual Meeting to registered members of the session only. Sharing of recordings outside of the Annual Meeting platform is not permitted. Recordings will not be edited;… Read More »Virtual Platform Access