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ASECS 2023 Elections May 9-23

Voting for the delayed Executive Board elections will be held May 9-23, 2023.  Use this link to log in, using your member credentials: 2023 ASECS Elections. You can retrieve your log in information or reset your password by logging in to your profile here: ASECS Membership. Note that only members in good standing (i.e. membership dues are up to date) may vote. 

ECCO to re-OCR 1M pages

Gale-Cengage will re-OCR around a million pages of ECCO to improve pages that are either: particularly poor; particularly commonly used; works by women or minority authors. This should significantly improve the experience for any researcher that uses ECCO. See this blog for more information: Optical Character Recognition Improvement. Other inquiries can be sent to

SAM Detroit 2024 Call for Papers

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The Society for American Music invites proposals for (a) individual papers, (b) organized panels of 2–4 papers, (c) lecture-recitals, (d) alternative-format sessions, (e) scholarly posters, and (f) interest groups for its 50th Annual Conference in Detroit, Michigan to be held March 20-24, 2024. Proposals due 11:59 pm PDT on June 1, 2023. More information here.

CfP: The 50th Annual Meeting of SEASECS

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SEASECS will hold its annual meeting on the campus of Furman University in Greenville, SC, with hotel accommodations at the Hampton Inn in Traveler’s Rest.  The theme for the meeting is “Ties that Bind: Reflections on the Past and Future of Eighteenth-Century Studies.” Plenary speakers will be Carolyn Day, Associate Professor of History at Furman University and author of Consumptive Chic: A History of Beauty, Fashion and Disease (2017) and LeAnne Howe, Eidson Distinguished Professor at the University of Georgia and member of the Choctaw Nation. Special events include: Please send paragraph-length proposals for panel… Read More »CfP: The 50th Annual Meeting of SEASECS

Program and App for #ASECS2023

Our 53rd Annual Meeting at the Hyatt Regency at the Arch in St. Louis, MO, is next week, March 9-11, 2023! Conference Agenda Like last year, ASECS will not be providing a printed program book. The most recent agenda is available via a downloadable PDF or the mobile app. o Go to the Annual Meeting webpage for the most recent version of the program. o To access the mobile app (meeting code 2023ASECS), follow these instructions: Already have the ASECS Annual Meeting app downloaded on your device? If you still have the ASECS mobile app… Read More »Program and App for #ASECS2023

Need to know before you go!

Thank you for registering for the ASECS 2023 Annual Meeting, March 9 – 11, 2023, in St. Louis, MO at the Hyatt Regency St Louis At the Arch. Please review the following information to make your conference experience as seamless as possible. Health and Safety ASECS understands vaccine and mask mandates have been lifted in many areas. However, as a reminder during registration, you agreed to follow the ASECS Health and Safety Protocols at this year’s conference. You may find up-to-date COVID-19 information for the region here: COVID-19 Data Dashboard Missouri Venue Information Hyatt Regency… Read More »Need to know before you go!

Like ECCO? Find More 18th-Century Archives

Are you looking for ways to enrich eighteenth-century studies with resources that support equitable, diverse, and inclusive research? Gale helps you connect students and faculty to primary sources that share unique insights into women’s rights, racial inequalities, and more. All ASECS members have access to Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO), Gale’s premier archive for advanced study of the eighteenth century, but no one archive can fully cover a hundred years of history and discourse. Find more collections that provide access to rare eighteenth-century content across geographies, media sources, and diverse perspectives. Visit Gale during #ASECS… Read More »Like ECCO? Find More 18th-Century Archives

CfP: NABMSA Music and Ideas of the Popular, Online

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ONLINE SYMPOSIUM North American British Music Studies Association (NABMSA)Music and Ideas of the Popular: Reconsidering British Music and Musical PracticesAugust 10-12, 2023 (on Zoom) The topic of the 2023 North American British Music Studies biennial online symposium We hope to address the following questions: How are notions of the “popular” tied to assumptions about gender, race, national belonging, and social status? What values and ideologies are mobilized by the opposition of popular with elite culture? How has popular music been mediated, and how does its mediation shape the politics of space and place, empire and… Read More »CfP: NABMSA Music and Ideas of the Popular, Online

CfP: HECAA@30: Environments, Materials, and Futures in the Eighteenth Century

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The Historians of Eighteenth-Century Art and Architecture are delighted to announce that the Call for Papers for “HECAA@30: Environments, Materials, and Futures in the Eighteenth Century” is now available. Please visit the conference website: for a list of open sessions and details. Applications for participation are due to session chairs by April 1, 2023. This in-person conference will take place in Boston, Cambridge, and Providence from October 12-14, 2023, with morning plenary sessions followed by gallery sessions, tours, and architectural site visits each afternoon. On the land of the Massachusett and neighboring Wampanoag and… Read More »CfP: HECAA@30: Environments, Materials, and Futures in the Eighteenth Century

CfP: Special Issue, Eighteenth-Century Coasts

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New! See the Call for Papers for Eighteenth-Century Studies‘ Special Issue on Eighteenth-Century Coasts, guest edited by Alexander Dick (University of British Columbia) and Eric Gidal (University of Iowa).