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View in Suffolk, Thomas Gainsborough, c. 1755 Oil on Canvas, 37 3/4 x 49 3/8 in, Saint Louis Art Museum

Member News

  • La culture visuelle de la gastronomie, XVIe-XX3 siècles, CfP

    Appel à communication / Call For Papers La culture visuelle de la gastronomie, XVIe-XXe siècles / Visual Culture of Gastronomy, 16th-20th century Paris, galerie Colbert, 18-19 décembre 2025Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne / OCAD University, Toronto) / Bibliothèque des Arts DécoratifsFrédérique Desbuissons (université de Reims) & Ryan Whyte (OCAD University, Toronto)

  • Decorative Arts Trust’s Publishing Grants: deadline March 31, 2025

    Visit for more details.  Please note these other upcoming deadlines: 

  • Peter Sabor Fellowship

    Fundraising: The Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies and the Burney Society of North America have partnered to establish a new fellowship named after distinguished scholar, Burney editor, long-time member, and past President of CSECS, Peter Sabor.  The funds raised through this campaign will be used to establish a biennial research fellowship designed to promote editing…

  • AHA affiliate society proposals

    The deadline for AHA affiliates to submit proposals for joint sessions to the AHA Program Committee is February 15. If accepted, sessions will be listed as joint with the AHA. The AHA will cover all costs for joint sessions. Historians from the United States on sessions accepted by the AHA Program Committee are required to be AHA members.…

Helpful Resources

Conference Planning
  • AUPresses Subject Area Grid is a free, downloadable spreadsheet that can be sorted by subject or publisher. Prospective authors, researchers, librarians, bibliographers, and publishers have found this to be a valuable reference for discovering publishers that have either an active program acquiring new work in a subject or in-print backlist still available.
  • Babyak, Tekla. “Steps Journals Can Take to Support Authors Living with Disabilities,” Interview, Scholastica, n.d. [2023].
Humanities Resources and Advocacy Toolkits