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New Treasurer and SECC Editor

(The following email was sent June 12, 2024 to current and last year’s members)

Dear ASECS Members and Friends,

The Executive Board is pleased to announce the following appointments:

Treasurer: Michael R. Lynn is Professor of History at Purdue University Northwest. Professor Lynn has been a member of ASECS for over twenty-five years, and has served on a variety of committees, including most recently the Development Committee. He brings extensive experience in fundraising and budgeting to the three-year position, which he will begin officially on July 1, 2025. For the 2024-2025 membership year, he will shadow ASECS Treasurer Joseph Bartolomeo.

The Finance Committee extends its thanks to the candidates interested in this position and expresses its appreciation for their interest in the fiscal health of the organization.

Editor-in-Chief of Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture: George Boulukos is Professor of English and Affiliate Faculty in the School of Africana Studies at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Professor Boulukos has been an active member of ASECS since graduate school; highlights include his work with the Race and Empire Caucus and the Bylaws Task Force.

SECC Editors David Brewer and Crystal Lake will be helping in the hand-off to Professor Boulukos, whose term begins July 1, 2024. Their vision for the journal has helped establish it as a respected source of new and emerging scholarship that, thanks to SECC’s inclusion in the Project Muse portfolio, reaches a broad and diverse readership. Please join the Executive Board in thanking Professors Brewer and Lake for their contributions to ASECS and the field of eighteenth-century studies.

The Executive Board also thanks the SECC Search Committee (Karen Stolley – chair, Benita Blessing, Craig Hanson, and Ramesh Mallipeddi) for their work, and extends its appreciation to the number of qualified candidates eager to serve in this role.

Lisa A. Freeman, President, on behalf of the Executive Board