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CfP Round 2 submissions due!

This email went out to ASECS members.

July 17, 2023

Dear ASECS members and friends,

Today’s the day! Round 2 submissions for chaired sessions for our 54th Annual Meeting (April 4-6, 2024, in Toronto) are due Monday, July 17, 2023 11:59pm ET. It’s easy to submit a session. You can find more information, including the submission form, here: Annual Meeting CfP.

The Program Committee will review sessions and we’ll send out acceptances soon thereafter.

Next up: 

Round 3, Aug. 1- Sept. 15: Open call for individual abstracts to chairs’ sessions 

Round 4, Oct. 1-15: Open call for individual papers to become part of sessions (“rehoming” abstracts that were not accepted, and inviting new individual papers) 

Make sure to check passport and visa requirements. US citizens will typically only need a valid passport for Canadian travel (check the expiration date!). Holders of other passports should check with their home countries’ state departments and the Visit Canada website for possible visa requirements.

As always, please send an email if you have any questions.


Benita Blessing, PhD
Executive Director

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