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Call for Papers

Round 3 (individual abstract submissions to panels, roundtables and special sessions) is now live! Deadline Sept. 20, 2024. Apply now!

American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
Session Proposals for the 55th Annual Meeting

Online, March 28-29 and April 4-5, 2025

The American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) is pleased to announce our Call for Papers for the 55th Annual Meeting, to be held virtually over two weekends: March 28-29 and April 4-5, 2025. The Society, established in 1969, is the foremost learned society in the United States for the study of all aspects of the period from the later seventeenth through the early nineteenth century. 

Round 3 (Submissions to Sessions) is open for submissions to panels, roundtables, and special sessions (the submission buttons are above).

ASECS is committed to fostering an inclusive and welcoming conference environment in which all members participate fully in the exchange of knowledge and ideas. The society welcomes scholars pursuing all aspects of eighteenth-century studies and in all careers and career stages: in graduate studies; in tenured, tenure track, or non-tenure track academic positions; in part-time or temporary positions in the academy; and colleagues in contexts beyond the academy including libraries, museums, publishing, and teaching, as well as independent scholars. Please join us whether you are a long-time member, or new to ASECS!

Our call for submissions has 4 rounds:

Round 1, due June 10, 2024 : Call for guaranteed sessions by caucuses and affiliate society chairs. Collected via Google Form.

Round 2, June 17-July 26: Open call for session proposals by chairs (panels, roundtables, project sessions, special sessions). See “Submissions Explained” above for more information, and check the “Affiliate/Regional Society Submissions Guaranteed Sessions List” above to avoid duplication of session submissions. Collected via Stova Submissions System Form.

Round 3, week of Aug. 19- Sept. 20: Open call for individual abstracts to chairs’ sessions. Collected via Stova Submissions System Form.

Round 4, Sept. 23-28: Open call for individual papers to become part of sessions (“rehoming” abstracts that were not accepted and inviting new individual papers). Collected via Stova Submissions System Form.

Informational sessions:

Want to know more about what makes a good session proposal, or how to apply to a session? The Program Committee will be hosting regular informational sessions that we’ll record, as well.

May 23, 2024 9:00amPT/10amMT/11amCT/noonET: Information session for Caucuses and Affiliate Societies. Registration is required.

Feel free, too, to contact the Executive Director or the Program Committee by email, too!


Starting with Round 2, we are collecting submissions again this year centrally via our new submissions system. 

Thank you!

Benita Blessing, Executive Director (
The Program Committee
· Daniel O’Quinn, chair (
· Hilary Havens, Advisor for Accessibility, Disability, and Inclusion
· Monica Hahn
· Mary Bath Harris
· Emily Pearson

Requests for accommodations can be made on the submission form, or by contacting the Executive Director Benita Blessing directly ( at any time. Please note that requests made fewer than 2 weeks before the conference may be difficult to honor.

Thank you for your interest in our conference. We look forward to an exciting, engaging, and community-building #ASECS2025. 


2025 Annual Meeting Home

Call for Papers

Important Deadlines

Submissions Explained

Annual Meeting/Submission Rules

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Accessibility and Inclusion

Preliminary Schedule

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Arts, Theater, and Music Fund

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